Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Hi . my name is aver first how many of you have a dog????? dogs are cute, but what kind ? answer below in the comments if you see my blog.

The Great Cookie Chase

In My dream  i am chasing a GIANT cookie. The giant cookie looked DELICIOUS and YUMMY so  i chased it down the cookie bus. Everyone was a cookie, but not me. As i ran down the bus i finally  caught the GIANT  cookie! So, i tied up the cookie and ate it! SMACK!(that was me smacking my lips. ) after i ate all the other cookies i woke up what a good dream!!!!!!!

New book

hi everyone today i want to talk about a new kindle book dork diaries tales from  a not so dorky drama queen. NIKKI MAXWELL has her diary stolen by mean girl MACKENZIE HOLLISTER.
mackenzie insists she did not take it . more on the book tomorrow .

Monday, January 19, 2015

My Special Smoothie

yesterday i had a special smoothie with strawberries , spinach , blueberries , and pineapple yogurt .It was awesome .you have to try it. it looks something like this.